Publisher Information

Schmidt, von der Osten & Huber
Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Partnerschaft mbB
Rüttenscheider Str. 26
45128 Essen
T    +49 201 72002 0
F    +49 201 72002 34

Value added tax identification number: DE 119 808 553

Schmidt, von der Osten & Huber Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Partnerschaft mbB is a partnership with limited professional liability and is registered in the partnership register at the Local Court (Amtsgericht) Essen under number 3134.



All persons referred to at Schmidt, von der Osten & Huber as an "attorney" are admitted to the bar in accordance with the law of the Federal Republic of Germany and are members in the following bar associations which are also the supervisory authorities with jurisdiction over the attorneys:

Bar Association for the District Court of Appeals Hamm
(Rechtsanwaltskammer für den Oberlandesgerichtsbezirk Hamm)
Ostenallee 18
59063 Hamm

T    +49 2381 985000
F    +49 2381 985050

The following professional rules apply for German attorneys:

– German Attorneys Code (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung, "BRAO")
– German Professions Code (Berufsordnung, "BORA")
– German Code for Specialized Attorneys, (Fachanwaltsordnung, "FAO")
– German Act on the Compensation of Attorneys (Gesetz über die Vergütung der Rechtsanwältinnen und Rechtsanwälte, "RVG")
– Code of Conduct for European Layers (Berufsregeln der Rechtsanwälte der Europäischen Gemeinschaft)
– German Act on the Activity of European Attorneys in Germany (Gesetz über die Tätigkeit europäischer Rechtsanwälte in Deutschland, "EuRAG")

The professional rules for attorneys can be accessed in the respectively applicable version at the homepage of the Federal Bar Association (Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer) at, subpage ”For Attorneys” (Für Anwälte), area "Professional law” (Berufsrecht).



The attorneys who work at Schmidt, von der Osten & Huber who are listed as a "Notary" are also admitted as notaries under the law of the Federal Republic of Germany and are members of the following Chamber of Notaries:

Westphalian Chamber of Notaries
Ostenallee 18
59063 Hamm

T    +49 2381 96959 0
F    +49 2381 96959 5

Supervisory Authority:
President of the District Court (Landgericht) Essen
Zweigertstr. 52
45130 Essen

The following professional laws apply for notaries:

– German Notaries Code (Bundesnotarordnung, "BNotO")
– German Act on Notarization (Beurkundungsgesetz, "BeurkG")
– Regulation about Maintaining Notarial Files and Records (Verordnung über die Führung notarieller Akten und Verzeichnisse, "NotAktVV")
– Guidelines of the Chamber of Notaries
– Services Code for Notaries (Dienstordnung für Notarinnen und Notare)
– German Act on Court Costs and Notarial Costs (Gerichts- und Notarkostengesetz, "GNotKG")
– European Professional Guidelines

The professional rules for notaries are available in the respectively valid version at the homepage of the German Chamber of Notaries at, subpage "Notary" (Notar/-in), area "professional law" (Berufsrecht).


Tax advisors

The attorneys who work at Schmidt, von der Osten & Huber who are listed as "Tax Advisors" (Steuerberater) are also admitted as tax advisors under the law of the Federal Republic of Germany and are members of the following Chamber of Tax Advisors, which at the same time is supervisory authority with jurisdiction over them:

Chamber of Tax Advisors (Steuerberaterkammer) Düsseldorf
Grafenberger Allee 98
40237 Düsseldorf

T    +49 211 66906 0
F    +49 211 66906 690

The following professional rules apply for tax advisors:

– German Act on Tax Advice (Steuerberatungsgesetz, "StBerG")
– Implementing Regulation for the German Act on Tax Advice (Durchführungsverordnung zum Steuerberatungsgesetz, "DVStB")
– Code on the Chamber of Tax Advisors (Ordnung der Berufs- und Steuerberaterkammer, "BOStB")
– Regulation on Tax Advisor Fees (Steuerberatungsgebührenverordnung, "StBGebV")

The professional rules for tax advisors are available in the respectively valid version at the homepage of the Federal Chamber of Tax Advisors at, subpage "The Tax Advisor" (Der Steuerberater)", area "Professional Law" (Berufsrecht).


Professional Liability Insurer (Attorneys, Tax Advisors and Notaries)

AXA Versicherung AG
Branch Cologne
Wiener Platz 3
45065 Cologne

Territorial coverage in the entire territory of the EU and in member states of the Treaty on the European Economic Area.

The insurance does not cover acting as legal counsel before courts outside of Europe as well as activities through law firms and offices in other countries or in connection with law outside Europe.

Schmidt, von der Osten & Huber does not conclude any online service contracts with consumers.

Schmidt, von der Osten & Huber does not participate in the dispute resolution process before a consumer mediation office.